What is the NADA Protocol?
The NADA Protocol is a standardized acupuncture treatment used widely for addiction, drug detoxification and behavioural health (NADA stands for the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association). 5 needles are placed at specific points in each ear and left in place for 30-45 minutes while the patient rests. Due to its wide-ranging benefits and the simplicity of the treatment, the NADA Protocol has been integrated into rehabilitation programs, mental health clinics, and disaster relief settings around the world.
How does it work?
The NADA protocol consists of 5 ear acupuncture points: called the Sympathetic, Shenmen, Lung, Liver and Kidney points.
Sympathetic: regulates imbalances in the nervous system
Shenmen (meaning "Spirit Gate"): reduces anxiety and tension in the body by producing a calming, sedative effect
Lung: supports the lungs, helps process the emotion of grief
Liver: supports the liver's detoxification function, helps process the emotion of anger, treats anxiety and depression
Kidney: supports the kidney's filtration and detoxification functions, helps process fear and trauma, and strengthens willpower
Together these points also: reduce cravings, reduce withdrawal symptoms, relieve stress, promote better sleep, and can improve outcomes when used alongside counselling and other therapies.
Where did it come from?
The NADA protocol has a fascinating history: it was developed by Black activists in New York City, who sought out acupuncture training to help their communities deal with the devastating effects of heroin addiction and lack of healthcare access in the Bronx in the 1970s. They occupied a hospital until the city agreed to provide a space for a drug detox centre, called the People’s Program, and their work helped spread awareness of acupuncture in North America.
If you'd like the experience the many benefits of the NADA protocol, you can book an appointment to try it!